Starting in April, WUIS will air two special series exploring the creative process and the impact that music can have on our lives.
The MTT Files, a new eight-part series hosted by San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas, can be heard Mondays at 9 p.m. from April 2 through May 21.
Four new episodes in the "Musicians in Their Own Words" project will be aired as part of The Saturday Beat, Saturdays at 8 p.m. between April 7 and April 28. Read more>>
Friday, March 30, 2007
UIS to host annual Philological Conference
Marcellus Leonard and Jacqueline Jackson will be the featured speakers at the Illinois Philological Association's 11th annual conference, to be held Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14, at UIS. The two-day event will feature some 80 presentations of creative or scholarly works and panel discussions by students, faculty, independent scholars, and writers from throughout the state.
Leonard, who has published three books of poetry, will speak at 7 p.m. on Friday. He is an associate professor in UIS' English program. Jackson will speak at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. An English professor emerita at UIS, she is the author of 13 books. Read more>>
Leonard, who has published three books of poetry, will speak at 7 p.m. on Friday. He is an associate professor in UIS' English program. Jackson will speak at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. An English professor emerita at UIS, she is the author of 13 books. Read more>>
Arts Night features music, artwork, and theater
An art exhibit, music, theater, and good food will be featured during UIS' annual Arts Night, to be held Friday, April 13, on campus. Sponsored by the U of I Alumni Association, this event is presented as an opportunity for the community to enjoy a variety of arts-related activities.
The evening will begin with a display of mixed-media art by Dr. Roland Folse in the Visual Arts Gallery. Dr. Folse will speak about his work beginning at 6 p.m., followed by an hors d'oeuvres reception.
At 7:30 p.m. the UIS Chamber Orchestra will present a recital in the PAC TV studio. Special guest conductor will be John McLaughlin Williams.
At 8 p.m. the UIS Theatre program will present a student/faculty showcase production of the drama Two Rooms by Lee Blessing. Special guest director will be Leigh Steiner. The cast features faculty Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson and Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson, and students Roger Boyd and Alicia Artner. Read more>>
The evening will begin with a display of mixed-media art by Dr. Roland Folse in the Visual Arts Gallery. Dr. Folse will speak about his work beginning at 6 p.m., followed by an hors d'oeuvres reception.
At 7:30 p.m. the UIS Chamber Orchestra will present a recital in the PAC TV studio. Special guest conductor will be John McLaughlin Williams.
At 8 p.m. the UIS Theatre program will present a student/faculty showcase production of the drama Two Rooms by Lee Blessing. Special guest director will be Leigh Steiner. The cast features faculty Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson and Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson, and students Roger Boyd and Alicia Artner. Read more>>
WUIS' Cardoza receives Murrow Award
Kavitha Cardoza, Springfield bureau chief for public radio WUIS, is among the regional winners in the 2007 Edward R. Murrow Award competition sponsored by the Radio-Television News Directors Association.
Cardoza was recognized for her report "No Place Like Home," which examined the plight of homeless children.
Murrow awards recognize excellence in electronic journalism. Regional winners are automatically entered in the national competition, which will be judged in early June. Read more>>
Cardoza was recognized for her report "No Place Like Home," which examined the plight of homeless children.
Murrow awards recognize excellence in electronic journalism. Regional winners are automatically entered in the national competition, which will be judged in early June. Read more>>
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Grammy winner to conduct chamber recital
Grammy Award winner John McLaughlin Williams will serve as guest conductor for a performance by the UIS Chamber Orchestra, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 13, in the TV studio. This intimate recital will feature two works by George Frederick McKay as well as smaller ensemble performances. Read more>>
Illinois Issues publishes annual Roster
The 2007 Roster of State Government Officials published by Illinois Issues magazine is now available. The Roster contains contact and other information for every Illinois legislator, as well as for members of the state's executive branch, Supreme Court, congressional delegation, key staff members, and others. For more information, including how to order>>
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Evolutionary geneticist to deliver Merck Science Seminar
Dr. Rob DeSalle, curator at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, will present the first annual Merck Science Seminar at UIS. DeSalle will speak on "What Genomics Tells Us about Our Origins," beginning at noon Monday, April 2, in HSB 302.
DeSalle's research uses information present in the structure of DNA and protein molecules to address evolutionary questions. He also uses these types of data to address important issues in conservation biology.
The seminar is sponsored by a grant from the Merck Institute of Science Education and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, part of the Merck/AAAS undergraduate science research program. UIS was one of only 11 universities in the nation to receive the award in 2006. Read more>>
DeSalle's research uses information present in the structure of DNA and protein molecules to address evolutionary questions. He also uses these types of data to address important issues in conservation biology.
The seminar is sponsored by a grant from the Merck Institute of Science Education and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, part of the Merck/AAAS undergraduate science research program. UIS was one of only 11 universities in the nation to receive the award in 2006. Read more>>
Child care center receives grant
Cox Children's Center has received a reimbursement grant in the amount of $6,300 from Quality Counts 2006-2007, a project sponsored by Community Child Care Connection and the Illinois Department of Human Services.
Center Director Stacey Hembrough said that the center has requested a large amount of new materials, furniture, and equipment, all of which will be purchased within the next month. UIS received extra consideration "because we serve children and families receiving IDHS financial assistance, for being a full-year program, and for being accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children," she said. Read more>>
Center Director Stacey Hembrough said that the center has requested a large amount of new materials, furniture, and equipment, all of which will be purchased within the next month. UIS received extra consideration "because we serve children and families receiving IDHS financial assistance, for being a full-year program, and for being accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children," she said. Read more>>
UIS Theatre to present Two Rooms
UIS' Theatre program will close its 06-07 season with the program's first-ever student/faculty showcase, a production of Two Rooms by Lee Blessing. Four performances are scheduled for Friday-Saturday-Sunday, April 13-14-15, in the Studio Theatre. Friday-Saturday performances will be at 8 p.m.; two Sunday performances will be at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
A hostage drama set in the Middle East and in this country, Two Rooms has been hailed as "poetic, moving, relevant, and profound." Special guest director will be Leigh Steiner. The cast features UIS Theatre faculty Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson and Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson, and UIS Theatre students Roger Boyd and Alicia Artner. The opening night performance is presented in conjunction with Arts Night. Read more, including how to get tickets>>
A hostage drama set in the Middle East and in this country, Two Rooms has been hailed as "poetic, moving, relevant, and profound." Special guest director will be Leigh Steiner. The cast features UIS Theatre faculty Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson and Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson, and UIS Theatre students Roger Boyd and Alicia Artner. The opening night performance is presented in conjunction with Arts Night. Read more, including how to get tickets>>
Judicial campaigns and elections topic of Altgeld Forum
The annual Altgeld Forum will feature a presentation on how judicial campaigns and elections have changed in Illinois and the national trends at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, at Brookens Auditorium.
Sponsored by the UIS Pre-Law Center, the presentation will feature a panel discussion and an interview with Fifth District Appellate Court Judge James Wexstten. Read more>>
Sponsored by the UIS Pre-Law Center, the presentation will feature a panel discussion and an interview with Fifth District Appellate Court Judge James Wexstten. Read more>>
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Visual Arts Gallery will display works by Roland Folse
A reception on Friday, April 13, is presented as part of Arts Night, sponsored by the Alumni Association. The reception will begin at 5:30 p.m.; Dr. Folse will speak about his work in bonsai, ceramics, woodworking, and painting at 6 p.m. Read more>>
UIS hosts two events for Earth Week
UIS will observe Earth Week 2007 (April 16-20) with two presentations: a talk by environmental activist Winona LaDuke and a panel discussion of the state's renewable energy sources.
LaDuke will speak on "Politics, Women, and Environmental Justice" at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17, in the PAC Studio Theatre. A panel discussion of "The Future of Renewable Energy in Illinois" will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 19, in Brookens Auditorium. Read more>>
LaDuke will speak on "Politics, Women, and Environmental Justice" at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17, in the PAC Studio Theatre. A panel discussion of "The Future of Renewable Energy in Illinois" will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 19, in Brookens Auditorium. Read more>>
Taste of UIS examines Neanderthal society
The third program in the spring Taste of UIS Lunchtime Lecture series will be Thursday, April 12, at Maldaner's Upstairs, 222 South Sixth St., Springfield.
"Rain Clouds and Test Pits: First Season of Fieldwork in a Neolithic Flint Workshop in Germany" will feature Lynn Fisher, UIS associate professor of Sociology/Anthropology, who will share findings from her research into prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies and archeological digs in southern Germany. More information, including how to make reservations>>
"Rain Clouds and Test Pits: First Season of Fieldwork in a Neolithic Flint Workshop in Germany" will feature Lynn Fisher, UIS associate professor of Sociology/Anthropology, who will share findings from her research into prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies and archeological digs in southern Germany. More information, including how to make reservations>>
Monday, March 19, 2007
Keith Miller named editor of international professional journal
Keith Miller, UIS professor of Computer Science, has been named editor of IEEE Technology and Society, the official publication of the Society on Social Implications of Technology. The society addresses such issues as environmental, health, and safety implications of technology; engineering ethics; and related social issues.
Miller has received the Outstanding Service Award from the Association for Computing Machinery and its Special Interest Group on Computers and Society. He also was part of a committee that developed a code of ethics for software engineers. Much of Miller's teaching at UIS focuses on software testing and on ethics for computing professionals. Read more>>
Miller has received the Outstanding Service Award from the Association for Computing Machinery and its Special Interest Group on Computers and Society. He also was part of a committee that developed a code of ethics for software engineers. Much of Miller's teaching at UIS focuses on software testing and on ethics for computing professionals. Read more>>
Friday, March 16, 2007
Discussion will examine how colleges can use online tools in emergencies
Ray Schroeder, director of the Office of Technology-Enhanced Learning, will take part in a Live Chronicle of Higher Education Brownbag on "Avoiding Disaster with the Help of Online Education" beginning at noon (EDT), on Thursday, March 22. Participants who log in at the time of the program will be able to submit questions during the live discussion. More information, including a link to the program site>>
Sean Crawford recognized in IAP broadcast excellence contest
Sean Crawford, Statehouse bureau chief for WUIS/WIPA, received a second place award in the recent Illinois Associated Press Broadcasters Association Journalism Excellence Contest.
Crawford was recognized in the Best Investigative category for his piece "All Kids Insured…Maybe," which showed that very few health care providers were willing to take part in Governor Blagojevich's All Kids Plan. Read more>>
Crawford was recognized in the Best Investigative category for his piece "All Kids Insured…Maybe," which showed that very few health care providers were willing to take part in Governor Blagojevich's All Kids Plan. Read more>>
UIS to hold Annual Health Awareness Day
UIS will host its Ninth Annual Health Awareness Day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 4, in the PAC concourse area and conference rooms. Health Awareness Day is sponsored by Campus Health Services in conjunction with National Public Health Week, which this year focuses on the theme "Take the First Step! Preparedness and Public Health Threats: Addressing the Unique Needs of the Nation's Most Vulnerable Populations."
A number of free health screenings, demonstrations, sample products, and a range of other health-related information will be available. Read more>>
A number of free health screenings, demonstrations, sample products, and a range of other health-related information will be available. Read more>>
Holtz Lecture will look at leadership in Civil War battles
The Third Annual John Holtz Memorial Lecture -- "Andy Smith's Civil War: The role of leadership and tactics on the Civil War battlefield" -- will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 28, in Brookens classroom 141A. The featured speaker will be Dr. Sharon MacDonald, faculty emerita at Illinois State University, who will focus on the Battle of Honey Hill (fought November 30, 1864) in general and the actions of one soldier – Andy Smith – in particular. Read more>>
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
University Scholars Lecture examines baseball's use of pitchers
UIS History Professor Robert McGregor will speak on "Crunching Casey Stengel," at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20, in UHB 1002. The program is part of the University Scholars Lecture Series; McGregor was a University Scholar in 2003.
In this presentation he will look at how baseball coaches and teams use pitchers and, through statistical analysis, will attempt to separate myth and legend from cold, hard facts. The resulting lecture will combine "sophisticated data analysis and droll wit." Read more>>
In this presentation he will look at how baseball coaches and teams use pitchers and, through statistical analysis, will attempt to separate myth and legend from cold, hard facts. The resulting lecture will combine "sophisticated data analysis and droll wit." Read more>>
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Trustees approve design of new residence hall
The design for a new 200-bed residence hall at UIS was approved today by U of I Board of Trustees during the board's regular meeting in Urbana.
The 61,984 gross-square-foot structure will also house a bookstore to serve the entire campus, a grille that will seat 48 to 60, and classroom facilities. The three-story, L-shaped hall will form a courtyard with Lincoln Residence Hall to the east and is expected to be complete for the beginning of the fall 2008 semester. Read more>>
The 61,984 gross-square-foot structure will also house a bookstore to serve the entire campus, a grille that will seat 48 to 60, and classroom facilities. The three-story, L-shaped hall will form a courtyard with Lincoln Residence Hall to the east and is expected to be complete for the beginning of the fall 2008 semester. Read more>>
English graduate publishes sci-fi story
Edward Beekman-Myers, who recently graduated from UIS with a master of arts degree in English, is the author of "The Bliss of Oblivion," a new story published serially online by Prism Comics. Myers regularly contributes comic book reviews for Prism's weekly "Queer Eye on Comics" feature. He is also the author of several short stories and two humorous science-fiction novels. Read more>>
UIS presents work by local playwright
Rising Up of the Springdale Ladies Aid Society, a play by Springfield playwright Carole Kennerly, will be presented in two performances – 8 p.m. Saturday, March 31, and 2 p.m. Sunday, April 1 – in the PAC Studio Theatre.
The story follows a group of women friends in the fictional town of Springdale, Illinois. As the women gain insight through social activism, their understanding of their own rights grows, empowering themselves as well as later generations of women. Cast members are all UIS students. Read more>>
The story follows a group of women friends in the fictional town of Springdale, Illinois. As the women gain insight through social activism, their understanding of their own rights grows, empowering themselves as well as later generations of women. Cast members are all UIS students. Read more>>
Friday, March 09, 2007
UIS to host presentation by investigator in Steidl case
Michale Callahan, the Illinois State Police officer whose investigation into the case of Randy Steidl led to a lawsuit against state police officials, will speak on "Demoted for Pursuing the Truth" beginning at 6 p.m. Monday, March 19, in UHB 2034. The program is presented by the Downstate Illinois Innocence Project and the Institute for Legal and Policy Studies at UIS.
In 1987, Steidl was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. However, a subsequent investigation led by Bill Clutter, now Illinois Innocence Project director of investigations, developed new evidence disproving a key element of the prosecution's case. After the state police assigned Callahan to review the case file, he concluded that Steidl and a co-defendant had been framed. Callahan's investigation was hindered for political reasons, and he later successfully sued ISP officials. Read more>>
In 1987, Steidl was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. However, a subsequent investigation led by Bill Clutter, now Illinois Innocence Project director of investigations, developed new evidence disproving a key element of the prosecution's case. After the state police assigned Callahan to review the case file, he concluded that Steidl and a co-defendant had been framed. Callahan's investigation was hindered for political reasons, and he later successfully sued ISP officials. Read more>>
Campus Preview Day
UIS will host a Campus Preview Day for prospective students and their families from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 31. The program will include an academic fair, campus tours, lunch, and greetings from the chancellor and provost.
Click here for information on making a reservation>>
Click here for information on making a reservation>>
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Media Advisory: Preparing for a Pandemic
UIS will host a daylong conference on "Cyber Defense and Disaster Recovery: Preparing for a Pandemic" beginning at 9 a.m., Friday, March 9, in PAC conference room C/D. The focus will be the impact of high absenteeism in the event of a cross-sector pandemic crisis. Professionals and others will have a chance to prepare for keeping society's infrastructure intact and functioning. Read more>>
Political Art series continues with "Dangerous Correlations"
The series Political Art and the Public Sphere will continue with "Dangerous Correlations," a look at the work of multimedia artist Matt Schultz, at 6 p.m. Monday, March 26, in Brookens Auditorium.
Schultz is a student in UIS' Visual Arts program. His presentation will consider the use of symbols in propaganda and some of the ways that iconic propaganda used during World War II resonates with present-day American politics. Series facilitator Richard Gilman-Opalsky notes "Matt's work is jarring and controversial, not designed for passive enjoyment." Read more>>
Schultz is a student in UIS' Visual Arts program. His presentation will consider the use of symbols in propaganda and some of the ways that iconic propaganda used during World War II resonates with present-day American politics. Series facilitator Richard Gilman-Opalsky notes "Matt's work is jarring and controversial, not designed for passive enjoyment." Read more>>
Tunes At Noon will feature UIS Music
Tunes At Noon will present a brownbag concert featuring the UIS Band and Chorus beginning at 12:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 21, in PAC conference room C/D. The concert is free and open to the public and the program will range from pep music to madrigals to an Elvis Presley standard. Read more>>
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
20/20 to air segment on exoneration of Julie Rea Harper
ABC-TV will devote a portion of its March 9 edition of 20/20 to the exoneration of Julie Rea Harper, who in a July 2006 retrial was found not guilty of murdering her son. UIS' Downstate Illinois Innocence Project was involved in Rea Harper's case and worked to develop significant evidence presented during her second trial, including the corroboration of another person's confession and the development of scientific evidence supporting Rea Harper's defense. Read more>>
WUIS bureau chief recognized in national competition
Kavitha Cardoza, Springfield bureau chief for public radio WUIS 91.9 FM, received a Special Citation in the 2006 National Awards for Education Reporting competition sponsored by the Education Writers Association. Cardoza was recognized in the radio division for her report "Discipline in District 186." Contest winners will be honored at an awards banquet during the association's National Seminar, to be held in May in Los Angeles. Read more>>
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
WUIS series honors women who changed Springfield
A dozen women who changed their community for the better will be recognized in "Skirting Convention: 12 Women Who Changed Springfield," a new oral history series produced by public radio WUIS 91.9 FM. Underwritten by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council, the series will begin March 8, International Women's Day. Programs will air in eight-minute segments at 8:20 a.m. and again at 4:50 p.m. on alternate Thursdays through August. Read more, including thumbnail sketches of the 12 women profiled>>
Monday, March 05, 2007
Alumni Association to host etiquette dinner
"The ABCs of Forks and Knives" is the focus of a dinner featuring instruction in business and social etiquette to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 26, in the PAC restaurant. The four-course dinner will give participants a chance to brush up on their table manners and learn other tips that can help them enhance their careers and personal lives. Advance registration is required. Read more>>
Media Advisory: WUIS oral history series "Skirting Convention"
Public radio WUIS will hold a news conference to announce the names of 12 Women Who Changed Springfield at 10 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, March 6, at Pasfield House, located at 525 S. Pasfield in Springfield.
These women will be the subjects of the station's upcoming series "Skirting Convention," which begins Thursday, March 8 - International Women's Day. Read more>>
These women will be the subjects of the station's upcoming series "Skirting Convention," which begins Thursday, March 8 - International Women's Day. Read more>>
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Abstracts sought for annual Science Research Symposium
UIS' Seventh Annual Science Research Symposium will be Friday, April 20, on the UIS campus.
Abstracts for college-level presentations on applied or theoretical research by students and faculty in science programs at UIS and other colleges and universities in the area are welcome and should be submitted by April 1.
Symposium coordinator Dr. Lucia Vazquez, assistant professor of biology, noted that presentations by students are particularly encouraged. Read more>>
Abstracts for college-level presentations on applied or theoretical research by students and faculty in science programs at UIS and other colleges and universities in the area are welcome and should be submitted by April 1.
Symposium coordinator Dr. Lucia Vazquez, assistant professor of biology, noted that presentations by students are particularly encouraged. Read more>>
Deidre McCalla to appear at UIS
Singer/songwriter/social activist Deidre McCalla will appear in concert at noon Tuesday, March 6, in the Student Center at UIS. At 2 p.m. in the same location she will speak on "Outside the Lines: Reflections on Race, Gender, Sexuality, Art, Parenting, and Politics."
McCalla's unique perspective qualifies her to celebrate many dimensions of identity and creativity. A veteran of the women's music cultural movement, she is also a lifelong advocate for peace and social justice. Read more>>
McCalla's unique perspective qualifies her to celebrate many dimensions of identity and creativity. A veteran of the women's music cultural movement, she is also a lifelong advocate for peace and social justice. Read more>>
Taste of UIS features panel of women leaders
The second program in this spring's Taste of UIS: Distinguished Faculty/Alumni Lunchtime Lectures will be Wednesday, March 21, at Maldaner's Upstairs, 222 South Sixth St., Springfield. "African-American Women Leaders: Overcoming the Odds" will feature a presentation by three alumnae who broke through gender and racial barriers to achieve their professional goals. The program is open to the public; however, reservations are required. Read more>>