Friday, February 25, 2005
National honor society inducts charter members at UIS
Induction ceremonies for 13 charter members of the UIS chapter of the National Communication Association honor society will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, February 27, in PAC conference room C/D. To be eligible for membership, communication students must maintain a 3.25 GPA in the major. NCA is the oldest and largest national organization serving the academic discipline of communication. Read more>>
Fall '04 Deans' List
Nearly 380 UIS students were named to the Deans' List for the 2004 fall semester. Get a printable list of names>>
Thursday, February 24, 2005
UIS music presents Brown Bag Concert
Music groups at UIS will present their annual Spring Brown Bag Concert from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, March 4, in the Visual Arts Gallery. The concert is free and the public is invited to “bring your lunch and hear some great music." Read more>>
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Women's Issues Caucus to present play
The Women’s Issues Caucus at UIS will host a production of Eve Ensler’s award-winning play The Vagina Monologues at 8 p.m., Saturday, March 5, in the PAC Studio Theatre. The event is presented as part of the V-Day 2005 Worldwide/College Campaign, a global movement designed to raise money and awareness for organizations that work to stop violence against women and girls. The 12 cast members are all UIS students. Read more>>
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
UIS to present workshop on "Death, Grief, and Loss"
A workshop on “Death, Grief, and Loss” will be presented from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 7, in PAC conference room H. The program will be led by Carolyn Peck, assistant professor of Human Services-Gerontology.
Peck will illustrate ways to be supportive and will discuss physical, psychological, and sociological components as they relate to both the dying individual and the caregivers. Read more>>
Peck will illustrate ways to be supportive and will discuss physical, psychological, and sociological components as they relate to both the dying individual and the caregivers. Read more>>
Friday, February 18, 2005
Expanding Your Horizons focuses on careers for girls
“Expanding Your Horizons in Math, Science, and Technology” -- a hands-on conference designed specially for girls in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades -- will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 12, in the PAC.
Participants will choose three sessions from among 20 interactive workshops, each one led by a successful professional who will share information about her job and what education and skills it requires. Read more>>
Participants will choose three sessions from among 20 interactive workshops, each one led by a successful professional who will share information about her job and what education and skills it requires. Read more>>
Alumni in Government Breakfast
The University of Illinois Alumni Association at UIS will sponsor its annual Alumni in Government Breakfast from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 8, at the Executive Mansion in downtown Springfield. The event is designed for alumni whose employment relates in any way to government, as well as for those who are simply interested in government or in UIS. Read more>>
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Annual Springfield Collegiate Career Fair
The career planning and placement offices at UIS, Lincoln Land, Robert Morris College, and Springfield College in Illinois (in partnership with Benedictine University) will host the seventh annual Springfield Collegiate Career Fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, February 25, in the lower level of the PAC. A number of related activities are planned to help participants take full advantage of what the fair has to offer. Representatives from approximately 100 area employers are expected to be on hand. Read more>>
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Faculty member to discuss new book on William Maxwell
UIS faculty member Barbara Burkhardt will discuss her new book William Maxwell: A Literary Life at 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 15, in Brookens Auditorium. The presentation is sponsored by Friends of Brookens Library; a book signing and reception will follow. Read more>>
Anniversary reception and program to honor WUIS and Illinois Issues
A reception and program celebrating the 30th anniversaries of public radio station WUIS and Illinois Issues magazine will be held Thursday, February 24, at the Executive Mansion, Fifth and Jackson Streets, downtown Springfield. The reception will begin at 6 p.m., followed by the program at 7:15 p.m. The event is open to the public, however reservations are required.
Kevin Klose, president and CEO of National Public Radio, and Mike Lawrence, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, will deliver keynote addresses. J. Michael Lennon, former publisher of Illinois Issues, will be master of ceremonies. Read more>>
Kevin Klose, president and CEO of National Public Radio, and Mike Lawrence, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, will deliver keynote addresses. J. Michael Lennon, former publisher of Illinois Issues, will be master of ceremonies. Read more>>
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Presentation examines "Economic Consequences of the Tsunami"
“The Economic Consequences of the Tsunami” will be the subject of a presentation by Dr. Baker Siddiquee at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 17, in PAC conference room C/D. Siddiquee is associate professor of Economics at UIS. Read more>>
Taste of UIS features panel of WUIS alumni
The U of I Alumni Association at UIS will present “How UIS/WUIS Prepared Me for the World,” the first program in this spring’s Taste of UIS: Distinguished Faculty/Alumni Lunchtime Lecture Series. The program observes the 30th anniversary of the campus' public radio station with a panel representing three decades of students who worked there. Read more>>
Rwandan ambassador at UIS
His Excellency Dr. Zac Nsenga, Rwandan ambassador to the United States, spoke on “Rwanda, Ten Years After,” on Wednesday morning, February 9, in Brookens Auditorium. Dr. Nsenga’s appearance was hosted by the International Studies Department at UIS. Read more>>
Program examines effective online learning practices
“Learning Effectiveness: What the Research Tells Us” is the topic of a brown bag presentation beginning at noon on Friday, February 11, in PAC conference room C/D.
The speaker will be Dr. Karen Swan, a professor in the Research Center for Educational Technology at Kent State University and a widely published, well-respected scholar in the online community. Swan will discuss effective practices in online learning. Read more>>
The speaker will be Dr. Karen Swan, a professor in the Research Center for Educational Technology at Kent State University and a widely published, well-respected scholar in the online community. Swan will discuss effective practices in online learning. Read more>>
"Merge" is next at Visual Arts Gallery

An Artists’ Program and Reception is scheduled for Thursday, March 3. Read more>>
New scholarship for students with musical talent
UIS students with musical talent can now apply for the Suzanna Kay Shiner Scholarship, a new award that will provide $1,000 to one student each year, whether they have previously participated in a campus music group or not. The award is open to students of academic merit in any major. Read more>>
UIS to present Black and Gay Film Series
UIS student group SASSI (Students against Sexual Stereotypes and Inequality), in conjunction with the course Sexual Orientation and Public Policy, will sponsor a Black and Gay Film Series, Thursdays in February. All films will be shown at noon in PAC conference room E, and are free and open to the public. The series is presented in observance of Black History Month and explores the lives of gay and lesbian African-Americans. Read more>>
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Professor publishes new book
UIS faculty member Rosina Neginsky will sign copies of her new book, Zinaida Vengerova: In Search of Beauty. A Literary Ambassador between East and West, at 5:15 p.m. Thursday, February 17, at the Springfield Art Association, 700 N. Fourth St., Springfield. A reception will follow.
Though little-known today, Vengerova was in her lifetime an important Symbolist writer and literary critic. Neginsky describes her book as “a biography, but also a cultural history and literary criticism that discusses issues related to the turn of the century in Europe.” Read more>>
Though little-known today, Vengerova was in her lifetime an important Symbolist writer and literary critic. Neginsky describes her book as “a biography, but also a cultural history and literary criticism that discusses issues related to the turn of the century in Europe.” Read more>>
"A Taste of UIS" returns
The U of I Alumni Association at UIS will sponsor A Taste of UIS: Distinguished Faculty/Alumni Lunchtime Lectures, a series of three monthly presentations to be held at Maldaner’s Upstairs, 222 South Sixth St., Springfield. The programs are open to the public; however, reservations are required.
The first program, on Wednesday, February 23, will observe the 30th anniversary of campus public radio station WUIS with “How UIS/WUIS Prepared Me for the World.” Read more>>
The first program, on Wednesday, February 23, will observe the 30th anniversary of campus public radio station WUIS with “How UIS/WUIS Prepared Me for the World.” Read more>>
SBC Foundation presents $136,000 in technology grants to UIS
SBC Foundation has awarded grants totaling almost $136,000 to UIS and partner organizations to fund technology programs for GEAR UP and the university’s Online Mathematics Teacher Certification.
The UIS GEAR UP Partnership received two grants totaling $100,000 to help promote college readiness for low-income students. A $36,000 grant will go to UIS' Office of Technology-Enhanced Learning, College of Education and Human Services, and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to fund online secondary education toward teaching certification in mathematics. Read more>>
The UIS GEAR UP Partnership received two grants totaling $100,000 to help promote college readiness for low-income students. A $36,000 grant will go to UIS' Office of Technology-Enhanced Learning, College of Education and Human Services, and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to fund online secondary education toward teaching certification in mathematics. Read more>>
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