The class was part of a national course by the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center, located at Winona State University in Minnesota.
More than 20 participants took part in the training that provided detailed instruction in the investigation of a crime scene and how seemingly unimportant details can become critical at trial. The training included instruction on how to interrogate a child abuse suspect, how to photograph a crime scene and how to conduct witness interviews.
First responders who were invited to participate included prosecutors, social workers, case managers, forensic interviewers, law enforcement officers, investigators and child protection attorneys.
UIS created the Child Protection Training Academy in 2015, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). The Child Protection Training Academy has already trained more than 250 DCFS investigators. The mock house and a separate mock courtroom are also used to train UIS students who are part of the Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) certification program.
For more information contact Betsy Goulet, UIS clinical assistant professor and CAST coordinator, at 217/206-8523 or
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